
June 7, 2024 | Ethereum系

近幾年,以太坊不斷在東升級西升級,又在甚麽模組化,Layer2 項目又五花八門,千奇百怪,恕我識條鐵!又或我真唔想去識,以太坊呢條鏈演變得過於複雜啦!不如硬分义砍掉舊鏈由頭嚟過啦!我認為極高機會!

EON Capital 創辦人 Santiago R Santos 就大膽預測,Solana 最終將超越以太坊,有 80% 機率 SOL 市值可在 3 年內超越以太坊,同我的看法,不謀而合!


「Probabilities can change very quickly. And so I think you should be prepared to change your mind often. 

But in school and most other places they don’t emphasize this enough. As if it’s some heroic act and higher moral ground sticking to your original thesis. 

But when you think about it, it’s ridiculous to assume you’ll get it right at the beginning stages of forming a thesis. You should be changing your mind more often than not as you do more work!

As I sit here today, likely biased by the price action, but processing months of more work I am adjusting my 20% probability that SOL flips ETH. That was Dec 1, 2023 when I came out with that prediction in the episode …..」



未來日子當以太幣跌得淒厲時,要準備入,因為我相信V 神搞條舊鏈搞到咁上下會發覺唔對路,會意興闌珊,到時會熬不住,展開傳說中暌違而久的「硬分义」,開過另一條鏈玩過,反正以太坊都唔係第一次咁做。


未來三年,以太坊要跟Solana 死過!